1. A card is drawn at random from an ordinary deck of 52 playing cards. Find the probability that it is : (i) an ace, (ii) a heart , (iii) A ten or a spade, (iv) a picture card, (v) an honours card
2.The probability that a contractor will get a plumbing contract is and an electric contract is . If the probability of getting atleast one contract is , find the probability that he will get both the contracts.
3. Two gangsters Munna and Guddu want to rule a city ‘Mirzapur’. The probability that Munna will be the ‘King of Mirzapur’ is 0.05 and that Guddu will be the ‘King of Mirzapur’ is 0.10. The probability that both will be the ruler is 0.02. Find the probability that
(i) both Munna and Guddu will not be the ‘King of Mirzapur’
(ii) atleast one of them will not be the King
(iii) only one of them will become the King.
4. For a post three persons Maqbool, Babur and Lalit appear in an interview. The probability of Maqbool being selected is twice than that of Babur and the probability of Babur being selected is thrice than that of Lalit. If the post is filled, what are the probabilities of Maqbool, Babur and Lalit being selected ?
5. Harshad Mehta wants to take a loan of 500 crores. He has two banks as an alternative to choose from- State Bank of India (SBI) and United Trust Bank (UBI). The probability that SBI will give him a loan is 0.5 and the probability that both SBI and UTB will give him a loan is atmost 0.3. Show that the probability of UTB giving him the loan is atmost 0.8.
6. In a marriage ceremony, the probability of Munna Tripathi not killing Guddu Pandit is 0.5 and that of not killing Bablu Pandit is 0.4. The probability of killing both of them is 0.2. Find the probability that Munna Tripathi either kill Guddu or Bablu or both of them.
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